Discovery Bound
Opening Window to God

DiscoveryBound is a year-round program for youth, adults, families and friends that offers inspiring recreational, leadership and service opportunities on local, regional, national and international levels. We provide an atmosphere where individuals experience Christian Science in action.

National Leadership Council

The DiscoveryBound National Leadership Council (NLC) program is a four-year servant leadership program for dedicated Christian Science teens who are interested in fostering spiritual growth and developing servant leadership skills – all within a family of supportive peers. Gain the desire, confidence and skill for successful leadership and a more practiced understanding of Christian Science!


DiscoveryBound’s Outreach program “reaches out” beyond camp and church to invite Christian Scientists and their friends of all faiths to attend Regional Seasonal and National Annual events where they can see Christian Science in action. There are also DiscoveryBound Local Chapters across the country that organize events for youth, 20s-30s, families and all adults in your community.

These wholesome activities support an inspirational environment, where youth, adults or families relate based on the shared values of Christian Science, and where they’re free to express themselves in an atmosphere free from drugs, alcohol, smoking or profanity.


DiscoveryBound’s Compass program is a one-year opportunity for Christian Science teens in high school, focused on spiritual exploration and connection with Christian Science peers.

Do you ever try to listen for God’s voice, but you’re not sure if you’re hearing it? Or do you love Christian Science and wish you could discuss it more with your peers? If so, join Compass!